Waiting For A Hero

Are we ready to stop depending on someone else to save us?
Have we realized we are our own heroes,
That we are the salvation we seek?
No one can create heaven for us,
That is our responsibility.
When we realize our true potential,
We will no longer need a hero to save us.

Being Bad First

Sir Ken Robinson said, “If you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”

Or as I’ve always liked to say, “You’ve gotta be bad before you can be good.”

Inner Conflict: Part One

Can they handle me?
Can they handle this kind of power?

The real question is:
Can I handle this kind of power?

Am I still trying to contain it?
Even now?

Am I dumbing it down?
Am I making it too easy to grasp?
Or maybe I’m overcomplicating it?

Something new is coming that I don’t yet comprehend.


Is there a cover up?
Are the conspiracies real?
All of them?
Some of them?
None of them?

Are there secrets that need telling?
Who is pulling the strings?
Is there some mastermind at the top?
Who are the conspirators?
Who are they?

Do they actually exist?
Or are we perpetuating this idea?
Are we all playing a part in this?
Are we continuing this charade because we want someone to blame,
but we can’t accept that we are all to blame?
Are we responsible for what we blame on the them?

What is it we are trying to discover?
What are we getting at?
What are we attempting to expose?
What is the mystery we’re trying to unravel?

So many of us suspect that we are being lied to;
Where does this notion come from?
Who is lying to us?
Is it some unnamed they?
Or are we lying to ourselves?

Messages To and From Myself

I have been re-reading a lot of my early writing and I’ve realized something I’m pretty sure I’ve known on a subconscious level all along. What I’ve realized is that in my writing I am talking to myself.

As I read what I’ve written in the past I am in awe of how relevant the words are for me right now. It’s as if my past self was writing to my future self. Right now, in the present, I am benefiting from my own work from the past.

It’s like time travel, but not.



What is this feeling we call anxiety?
Why don’t we like it?
What is so wrong with it?

So what if your heart is beating fast?
Who told you that was bad?
Can you come to grips with it?
Can you embrace this without fear?
When you can, things will change.

We Are Not Alone

We are not alone, even when it feels that way. 
We are so much more than we think we are. 
We have everything at our fingertips. 
Yet, we think we have nothing. 

We work so much and strive so hard. 
It is much simpler than we think it is.

Adjusting To The Darkness

Is Everything Going To Hell In A Handbasket?

Have you ever sat in a room as the sun goes down? It grows darker and darker and your eyes continue to adjust so that you barely notice. But if someone walks in the room and turns on the light, you will find yourself blinded. Not until the light is on do you realize how dark it has become around you. With a lack of light, we become accustomed to the darkness.

This is why it seems like there is so much crazy shit happening in our world right now. It’s not because things have grown worse over time. It’s because we’ve turned on more lights. The more enlightened we become, the more we’ll see.

It’s easier to keep a secret in the dark, but when the light shines it exposes the darkness. We cannot work through our issues if we insist on keeping them hidden. Facing our darkness is a step towards healing.



It doesn’t matter what’s happened,
The hold-ups, the walls, the unfairness.
What does matter is you continue,
Living, trying, learning, loving, and moving forward.

It will be all right.
In reality, everything is all right.

No matter the circumstance,
You are here.
Right now.

Get out of the past.
Get out of the future.
Be here.

Do not allow anyone or anything to bring you down.
Do not allow anyone or anything to trap you with hate.

No matter what, keep going.

Spontaneous Awakening

I'm not practicing what I believe.
I want to be free,
But I don't grant freedom.
I want to be relinquished, 
But I restrain.

I don't know,
What I thought I knew.
I know now,
What I didn't think was possible.
Do I know anything? 

I feel weak.
I am overwhelmed by my own paradox.
I lose my footing,
With these uneven beliefs.

I look for the truth,
Within the lie.
I search for hope,
In the darkness.
But I'm not yet sure
What it is I see.

The picture is not completely formed.
The terrain is unknown to me.
Something I know, 
But don't quite understand,
Urges me onward.

The Conspirators

That’s when she heard it deep, deep within. 

We don’t want to kill her. We just want to keep her down low enough so she remains invalidated, insecure, and confused about what she has to offer. This way she won’t realize she can succeed without us.”

Oh, but she had realized, and like an instantaneous stream inside of her, all the previous years collapsed together and finally made sense. At that moment she knew, truly understood for the first time what had really been going on when she wasn’t looking. 



I’m out of practice.

I thought I’d learned the secret. Yet here I am caught in an old dynamic. Once it returns, I will be overwhelmed with feelings of tenacity, wanting to do everything I can to keep it. If I am not careful this alone can cause the bottleneck effect to return.

I want to immerse myself in the flow, but I will be happy with a taste for now.


I’ve been here before, trying to get over the hump.

I remember a time when it was easy, my second nature, yet now I struggle to remember how.


Is this worth the effort or investment? Does any of this matter? By human logic, no, but I’m not working with human logic here.

The deepest part tells me something that contradicts the old paradigm. The weight of the center doesn’t pull me down like the weight of the world, it pulls me inward. There is a weight, a burden, an anchor, but it comes with a feeling of buoyancy as well.

So I will practice. I will yield.


Once upon a time…

I wanted to be famous.

I wanted everyone to know my name.

It didn’t matter where my focus lay at the time,

I saw it as a path to some sort of stardom, or guru status.

I can honestly say,

after having the most miniscule taste of such a thing,

that I have changed my mind.

I am completely content not being scrutinized, micromanaged or antagonized by onlookers who seem to feel completely comfortable tapping on the glass of my metaphorical fishbowl.

Looking To Someone Else

I keep looking for someone who has already said it.
But I’m starting to suspect,
I’m the someone who is supposed to say it.
Say what exactly?
I’m not certain.
I thought I’d know it when I saw it,
But maybe, I’ll know it when I write it.

I’m So High

I’m so high.

You should see the view from here.

Just like a dream.

Could this be reality?

Everything is beautiful.

Everything is meaningful.

Everything makes sense to me, when I’m high enough to see.

Everything is crystal clear.

Now I’m high above the fear.

Everything makes sense to me, when I’m high enough to see.